We have a new female since August 2014. It’s a beautiful and wonderful girl named Java du Bleu Nathier. We are in love with her!
Birman Cat Breeder in San Diego, CA
Birmans (or Sacred Cat of Burma) were created in south of France (Nice), circa 1920. They are descendant of Siamese and Persian cats. After WW II, there was only a few cats left and breeders (Mme Chaumont-Doisy and Mme Boyer) had to work again to recreate the breed and solidify it. Birmans have white gloves, dark blue eyes, a middle-hair silky coat and a wonderful friendly personality. Originally the only color was seal-point. The blue-point was introduced after WWII in the fifties, sixties. In the seventieths, new colors came from the work of British breeders (using Siamese and Colorpoints) with the chocolate point and the lilac point, and then the red & cream lines were introduced as was the lynx/tabby factor (tiger face) in the eighties. In France the silver and the smoke colors were also created in the ninetieths. More recently, two new colors have been created: the Cinammon and the Fawn.
We have a new female since August 2014. It’s a beautiful and wonderful girl named Java du Bleu Nathier. We are in love with her!